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The United States Government Manual
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20523
ADMINISTRATOR | Samantha Power |
Deputy Administrator | (vacancy) |
Chief of Staff | Gideon Maltz |
Counselor | T. Christopher Milligan |
Financial Officer | Reginald W. Mitchell |
Information Officer | Jay Mahanand |
Acquisition and Assistance | Mark A. Walther |
Executive Secretary | Jeremy Bernton |
General Counsel | Margaret L. Taylor |
Central Bureaus
Foreign Assistance | (vacancy) |
Legislative and Public Affairs | (vacancy) |
Management | Colleen R. Allen, Acting |
Policy, Planning and Learning | Michele Sumilas |
Functional Bureaus
Development, Democracy, and Innovation | Karl Fickenscher, Acting |
Global Health | Kerry Pelzman, Acting |
Conflict Prevention and Stabilization | Robert Jenkins, Acting |
Humanitarian Assistance | Sarah Charles |
Resilience and Food Security | Jim Barnhart |
Geographic Bureaus
Africa | Peter Malnak, Acting |
Asia | Karen L. Freeman, Acting |
Europe and Eurasia | Margot Ellis, Acting |
Latin America and the Caribbean | Peter Natiello, Acting |
Middle East | Andrew Plitt, Acting |
Independent Offices
Budget and Resource Management | Tricia Schmitt |
Civil Rights and Diversity | Ismael Martinez, Acting |
Security | John Voorhees |
Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization | John M. Watson, Acting |
Human Capital | Robert Leavitt |
Office of Inspector General
Inspector General | Thomas J. Ullom, Acting |
The United States Agency for International Development seeks to eradicate extreme global poverty and enables resilient and democratic societies to realize their potential.
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is an independent Federal agency established by 22 U.S.C. 6563. principal statutory authority is the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended (22 U.S.C. 2151 et seq.). statement of organization was published as a notice in the Federal Register on August 26, 1987, (52 FR 32174). serves as the focal point within the Government for economic matters affecting U.S. relations with developing countries. It administers international economic and humanitarian assistance programs. The Administrator is under the direct authority and foreign policy guidance of the Secretary of State. Agency posts its organizational chart online. The chart includes independent offices and central, functional, and geographic bureaus. Agency works in over 100 countries to promote broadly shared economic prosperity, strengthen democracy and good governance, protect human rights, improve global health, advance food security and agriculture, increase environmental sustainability, further education, help societies prevent and recover from conflicts, and provide humanitarian assistance in the wake of natural and manmade disasters. Agency promotes the transition to and consolidation of democratic regimes throughout the world. Programs focus on such problems as human rights abuses; misperceptions of democracy and free-market capitalism; lack of experience with democratic institutions; the absence or weakness of intermediary organizations; nonexistent, ineffectual, or undemocratic political parties; disenfranchisement of women, indigenous peoples, and minorities; failure to implement national charter documents; powerless or poorly defined democratic institutions; tainted elections; and inability to resolve conflicts peacefully. Agency promotes broad-based economic growth by addressing factors that enhance the capacity for growth and by working to remove obstacles that obstruct individual opportunity. Programs concentrate on strengthening market economies, expanding economic opportunities for the disadvantaged in developing countries, and building human skills and capacities to facilitate broad participation. programs support two strategic goals: 1) reducing long-term threats to the biosphere, particularly loss of biodiversity and change in climate; 2) promoting sustainable economic growth locally, nationally, and regionally by addressing shortsighted economic, environmental, and developmental practices. Globally, USAID programs focus on reducing sources of greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing greenhouse gas sinks and on promoting innovative approaches to the conservation and sustainable use of Earth's biological diversity. The approach adopted to address national environmental problems differs from county to country, depending on its environmental priorities. Strategies may include improving agricultural, industrial, and natural resource management practices; strengthening public policies and institutions; being in dialogue with governments and international agencies; and environmental research and education. Agency improves access and quality of services for maternal and child health, nutrition, voluntary family planning, and reproductive health. It prevents and treats HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis. It assists countries in the design and implementation of state-of-the-art public health approaches to end preventable child-maternal deaths and achieve an AIDS-free generation. The Agency takes advantage of economies of scale in procurement, technical services, and commodities. To promote sustainability, the Agency helps expand health systems and the health workforce by adopting and scaling-up proven health interventions across programs and countries. It also contributes to a cooperative global effort to stabilize world population growth and support women's reproductive rights. The types of population and health programs supported vary with the particular needs of individual countries and the kinds of approaches that local communities initiate and support. Agency gives humanitarian assistance to save lives, reduce suffering, help victims return to self-sufficiency, and reinforce democracy. Programs focus on disaster prevention, preparedness, and mitigation; timely delivery of disaster relief and short-term rehabilitation supplies and services; preservation of basic institutions of civil governance during a disaster crisis; support for democratic institutions during periods of national transition; and building and reinforcement of local capacity to anticipate disasters and better cope with their aftermath. country organizations are located in countries where a bilateral program is being implemented. The in-country organizations are subject to the direction and guidance of the chief U.S. diplomatic representative in the country, usually the Ambassador. The organizations report to the appropriate assistant administrators according to geographic bureaus: Africa, Asia and the Near East, Europe and Eurasia, and Latin America and the Caribbean.
Overseas program activities that involve more than one country are administered by regional offices. These offices may also have country organizational responsibilities for assigned countries. Generally, the offices are headed by a regional development officer.
Coordination and representative offices for development assistance provide liaison with various international organizations and represent U.S. interests in development assistance matters. These offices may be only partially staffed by USAID personnel and may be headed by employees of other U.S. Government agencies. "Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States" indicates that USAID records have been assigned to record group 286."Impact" is the name of the official USAID blog. bureaus are responsible for the overall activities in countries; functional bureaus conduct Agency programs that are worldwide in nature or that cross geographic boundaries. worldwide partnerships, USAID seeks to find innovative and cost-effective ways of addressing global challenges. The Agency partners with educational institutions, faith-based and community organizations, non-governmental organizations, and individuals and organizations in the private sector. employs professionals with a variety of managerial, operational, and technical skills to achieve its international development goals. Its workforce includes direct-hire and contract employees based in the United States and at field missions worldwide. Partnership for Public Service ranked USAID 14th among 25 midsize agencies in its Best Places To Work in the Federal Government 2019 rankings. and reliance on fossil fuels accelerate climate disruption. As the climate changes, it undermines the efforts of poor communities to be self-supporting. USAID shares data, knowledge, and tools with developing countries to help people predict, prepare for, and adapt to more frequent and more destructive weather-related events. The Agency also helps countries grow in sustainable ways by promoting clean and reliable energy and healthy landscapes. Watch the 3-minute video to learn more about USAID global climate action. "Contact Us" web page has an electronic form for submitting comments and questions, phone numbers, and links to relevant USAID web pages. | Email: open@usaid.govSignificant documents and documents that USAID recently published in the Federal Register are accessible online. Foreign Aid Explorer website offers a multidimensional picture of U.S. foreign assistance to help users find and retrieve the data that they seek. Interactive maps and graphics displaying the historical details of U.S. foreign assistance allow users to explore foreign aid data across countries, sectors, and over time. Advanced users can quickly download data by using data query tools or by selecting a prepared file. electronic forms page features a selection of up-to-date USAID forms that are arranged according to form number. requests must be submitted in writing: email, fax, mail, or via the Public Access Link web portal. The Agency does not accept verbal FOIA requests. USAID Government information specialists are available to answer questions. Phone, 202-712-0960. Fax, 202-216-3070. | Email: foia@usaid.govUSAID adds records that information seekers request repeatedly to its electronic FOIA library. If the desired record or document is not part of the FOIA library, consider submitting a written FOIA request to obtain the desired information. Please search the electronic reading room before submitting an official request for information. John F. Kennedy approved the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 and created USAID by Executive order. Two years later, in a commencement address, he proclaimed: "Our problems are man-made; therefore, they can be solved by man. For in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet; we all breathe the same air; we all cherish our children’s futures—and we are all mortal." President Kennedy's actions and words helped characterize the years of his administration and the one that followed, years that became known as the "decade of development." To learn more about the role that USAID played in expanding international development assistance opportunities, visit the "USAID History" web page. online mission directory allows users to filter their searches by region: Afghanistan and Pakistan, Africa, Asia, Europe and Eurasia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Middle East. posts news and information: congressional testimonies, events, factsheets, photographs and videos, podcasts, press releases, speeches, and success stories, as well as its "Frontlines" magazine, "Impact" newsletter, and "Impact" blog. has several independent offices that carry out discrete functions. supports the Open Government initiative by posting data, records, and reports online. adheres to the principles of transparency and openness that the Plain Writing Act of 2010 promotes. Plain writing plays a key role in achieving Open Government initiative goals and in improving collaboration, public participation, and transparency. joint initiative of USAID and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, SERVIR partners with leading regional organizations worldwide to help developing countries use information from Earth observing satellites and geospatial technologies for managing climate risks and land use. SERVIR products, services, and tools empower decisionmakers to act locally on agriculture, ecosystems, land use, natural disasters, water, and other climate-sensitive issues. maintains a YouTube channel and has a presence on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media. 2.1 billion people cannot access safe drinking water in their homes, and about 4.4 billion people live exposed to sewage, trash, or both. Inadequate water and sanitation and poor hygiene combine to spread disease and elevate death rates worldwide.