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The United States Government Manual
1501 Farm Credit Drive, McLean, VA 22102-5090
CHAIR | Dallas P. Tonsager |
Member | Jeffery S. Hall |
Member | (vacancy) |
Chief Operating Officer | William J. Hoffman |
Designated Agency Ethics Official | Philip J. Shebest |
General Counsel | Charles R. Rawls |
Secretary to the Board | Dale L. Aultman |
Office of Agency Services | A. Jerome Fowlkes |
Office of Congressional and Public Affairs | Michael A. Stokke |
Office of Equal Employment Opportunity and Inclusion | Thais Burlew |
Office of Examination and Chief Examiner | S. Robert Coleman |
Office of Information Technology | Jerald Golley |
Office of Regulatory Policy | Gary K. Van Meter |
Office of Secondary Market Oversight | Laurie A. Rea |
Office of the Chief Financial Officer | Stephen G. Smith |
Inspector General | Wendy R. Laguarda |
The above list of key personnel was updated 09–2017.
The Farm Credit Administration ensures the safe and sound operation of the banks, associations, affiliated service organizations, and other entities of the Farm Credit System, and protects the interests of the public and those who borrow from Farm Credit institutions or invest in Farm Credit securities.
The Farm Credit Administration (FCA) was established as an independent financial regulatory agency in the executive branch of the Federal Government by Executive Order 6084 on March 27, 1933. The FCA carries out its responsibilities by conducting examinations of the various Farm Credit lending institutions: Agricultural Credit Associations, Farm Credit Banks, Federal Land Credit Associations, and the Agricultural Credit Bank.
The FCA also examines the service organizations owned by the Farm Credit lending institutions, as well as the National Consumer Cooperative Bank. policymaking is vested in the Farm Credit Administration Board, whose three full-time members the President appoints to 6-year terms with the advice and consent of the Senate. One member of the Board is designated by the President as Chair and serves as the FCA's chief executive officer. The Board approves rules and regulations, provides for the examination and regulation of and reporting by Farm Credit institutions, and establishes the policies under which the Administration operates. Board meetings are regularly held on the second Thursday of the month and are subject to the Government in the Sunshine Act. Public announcements of these meetings are published in the "Federal Register." for the organization and activities of the Farm Credit System may be found in the Farm Credit Act of 1971, as amended.
The lending institutions of the Farm Credit System were established to provide adequate and dependable credit and closely related services to farmers, ranchers, and producers or harvesters of aquatic products; persons engaged in providing on-the-farm services; rural homeowners; and associations of farmers, ranchers, and producers or harvesters of aquatic products, or federations of such associations that operate on a cooperative basis and are engaged in marketing, processing, supply, or business service functions for the benefit of their members. Initially capitalized by the U.S. Government, the Farm Credit lending institutions are organized as cooperatives—their borrowers completely own them. The loan funds provided to borrowers by these institutions are obtained primarily through the sale of securities to investors in the Nation's capital markets. Agricultural Credit Act of 1987, as amended (12 U.S.C. 2279aa-1), established the Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation, commonly known as Farmer Mac. The Corporation, designated as part of the Farm Credit System, is a federally chartered instrumentality of the United States and promotes the development of a secondary market for agricultural real estate and rural housing loans. Farmer Mac also provides guarantees for the timely payment of principal and interest on securities representing interests in or obligations backed by pools of agricultural real estate loans. The Administration examines and regulates Farmer Mac to ensure the safety and soundness of its operations. FCA manages regulations under which Farm Credit institutions operate. These regulations implement the Farm Credit Act of 1971, as amended (12 U.S.C. 2001), and have the force and effect of law. Similar to the authorities of other Federal regulators of financial institutions, the Administration's authorities include the power to issue cease-and-desist orders, to levy civil monetary penalties, to remove officers and directors of Farm Credit institutions, and to establish financial and operating reporting requirements. Although it is prohibited from participation in routine management or operations of Farm Credit institutions, the Administration is authorized to become involved in these institutions' management and operations when the Farm Credit Act or its regulations have been violated, when taking an action to correct an unsafe or unsound practice, or when assuming a formal conservatorship over an institution.
The Administration does not operate on funds appropriated by Congress: It derives income from assessments collected from the institutions that it regulates and examines. In addition to its headquarters in McLean, VA, the Administration maintains four field offices located in Bloomington, MN; Greenwood Village, CO; Irving, TX; and Sacramento, CA.
The FCA Web site has an A–Z index to help visitors navigate its content. Office of Agency Services manages the FCA's procurement opportunities. Phone, 703-883-4378. TTY, 703-883-4056. carry out its mission, the FCA relies on attorneys, examiners, information technology specialists, and other professionals. Examiners play a prominent role at the FCA: They plan, organize, and conduct examinations of Farm Credit System institutions. The FCA hires examiners who hold university degrees in a variety of disciplines. The ideal candidate has a background in agriculture, business, finance, or information technology. Adaptability, teamwork, and communication skills are essential. Contact the Office of Agency Services for more information. Phone, 703-883-4135. TTY, 703-883-4056. 2016, the FCA ranked 10th among 29 small agencies in the Partnership for Public Service's Best Places To Work Agency Rankings. Credit System institutions generally adhere to three core cooperative principles: user-ownership, user-control, and user-benefits. These principles support the System’s cooperative practices. To learn more about them, visit the "Cooperative Way" Web page. economists monitor conditions in the U.S. farm, national, and global economies. They write economic and policy reports that provide perspective for FCA examiners, leaders, and policy analysts. The FCA posts these reports on its Web site to make them available to a broader audience. FCA posts information in Spanish on its Web site. FCA posts data on selected financial performance indicators for Farm Credit System institutions. FCA posts links to resources that help Farm Credit System lenders understand flood insurance rules. written submission must clearly indicate that it is a "FOIA Request." The FCA may require payment for searching for, reviewing, and reproducing a document. A submitter must provide a detailed description—date, subject matter, title—of the record sought and indicate the maximum amount he or she is willing to pay in fees. A request may be submitted by email or fax, or by mail and addressed to the Freedom of Information Act Officer, Farm Credit Administration, 1501 Farm Credit Drive, McLean, VA 22102-5090. Phone, 703-883-4020. TTY, 703-883-4056. Fax, 703-790-0052. | Email: foiaofficer@fca.govThe FCA maintains a FOIA reading room on its Web site. Before submitting a FOIA request, search the reading room to see which documents are already accessible. FCA posts answers to FAQs on its Web site. FCA maintains an online glossary. FCA Handbook database includes regulations, statutes, and FCA Board policy guidance that are applicable to the FCA, Farm Credit System, and Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation. The handbook is accessible free of charge in two formats: a searchable electronic database and files in Portable Document Format (PDF). centuries, North American farmers have sought reliable sources of credit to acquire land and to develop and expand farms. Their need to access long-term, fixed-rate credit has continued to the present. While 19th-century commercial banks made long-term credit available at reasonable rates to businessmen and industrial capitalists, they provided less of the same service to farmers. Presidents Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson saw the problem and sought solutions. To learn what they did to help 20th-century American farmers, visit the "History of FCA" Web page. Farm Credit System institution directory contains information on each institution and its chartered territory. Farm Credit System has 70 lending associations. To find an association, use the online locator tool by entering a street address or ZIP Code. Search results include all branch offices for a particular association. More than one lending association may serve a location. Phone, 703-883-4056. | Email: info-line@fca.govThe FCA announces events and posts news releases, rulemaking factsheets, speeches and statements, and testimonies online. OIG conducts audits, evaluations, inspections, and investigations; reviews proposed legislation and regulations; informs the FCA Board and Congress of fraud or other serious problems; recommends policies to promote economy and efficiency and to prevent abuse, fraud, and waste; recommends corrective actions and reports on progress made in implementing them; and refers criminal matters to appropriate agencies for prosecution. Hotline, 800-437-7322 or 703-883-4316. Phone, 703-883-4030. FCA supports the Open Government initiative by promoting collaboration, participation, and transparency. FCA posts its organizational chart online. FCA's organizational chart is available in Portable Document Format (PDF) for viewing and downloading. on the clarity of documents and other items on the Web site helps improve the guidance that the FCA gives to institutions and the services that it offers to Americans. If a document or Web page is unclear, contact the Office of Congressional and Public Affairs. Phone, 703-883-4056. documents are posted online, including publications about the Farm Credit Administration and information on the Farm Credit System. To find an older document, one that is over 5 years old, search in the archives. More information is available from the Office of Congressional and Public Affairs. Phone, 703-883-4056 (voice and TTY). Fax, 703-790-3260. | Email: info-line@fca.govThe Web site map allows visitors to look for specific topics or to browse content that aligns with their interests. further information, contact the Office of Congressional and Public Affairs, Farm Credit Administration, 1501 Farm Credit Drive, McLean, VA 22102-5090. Phone, 703-883-4056.