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The United States Government Manual
131 M Street NE., Washington, DC 20507
TTY, 202-663-4444
The Commission
CHAIR | Janet L. Dhillon |
Vice Chair | Keith E. Sonderling |
COMMISSIONERS | Charlotte A. Burrows |
Andrea R. Lucas | |
Jocelyn F. Samuels |
EXECUTIVE OFFICER | Bernadette B. Wilson |
Data | Chris Haffer |
Financial | Grace Zhao |
Human Capital | Kevin L. Richardson |
Information | Bryan Burnett |
Operating | (vacancy) |
Communications and Legislative Affairs | (vacancy) |
Equal Opportunity | Stan Pietrusiak, Jr. |
Federal Operations | Carlton M. Hadden |
Field Programs | Martin S. Ebel |
Legal Counsel | Andrew Maunz |
General Counsel | Sharon F. Gustafson |
Inspector General | Milton A. Mayo, Jr. |
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission enforces laws that prohibit employment discrimination based on age, color, disability, gender, genetic information, national origin, race, or religion.
On July 2, 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson approved Public Law 88–352, which is commonly cited as the Civil Rights Act of 1964" (78 Stat. 241). Title VII of this Act "created a Commission to be known as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission" (78 Stat. 258). The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), in accordance with the effective date of Title VII, became operational on July 2, 1965 (78 Stat. 266). EEOC is a bipartisan commission comprising five members, whom the President appoints, by the advice and with the consent of the Senate, to staggered 5-year terms. The President also designates one member to serve as Chair of the Commission and another member to service as its Vice Chair (78 Stat. 258).
Public Law 92–261, which is also cited as the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972, provides for the appointment of "a General Counsel of the Commission." The President appoints this General Counsel, by the advice and with the consent of the Senate, to support the Commission and provide direction, coordination, and supervision of the agency's litigation program. The General Counsel serves for a term of 4 years (86 Stat. 110). EEOC included an organizational chart in its "Fiscal Year 2019 Agency Financial Report" in the section "Management's Discussion and Analysis." statutory material on civil rights has been assigned to chapter 21 of 42 U.S.C. The chapter runs from section 1981 through 2000h-6."Subchapter VI—Equal Employment Opportunities" runs from section 2000e through 2000e–17. Codified statutory material on the EEOC has been assigned to section 2000e–4 of 42 U.S.C. regulatory material that is associated with the EEOC has been assigned to chapter xiv of 29 CFR. The chapter on the EEOC runs from part 1600 through 1899. Title 29 contains rules and regulations that address labor-related issues. that the EEOC enforces include the Equal Pay Act of 1963 (PL 88–38 / 29 U.S.C. 206); Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (PL 88–352 / 42 U.S.C. 2000e et seq.); the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (PL 90–202 / 29 U.S.C. 621 et seq.); sections of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (PL 93–112 / 29 U.S.C. 791 et seq.); Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (PL 101–336 / 42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq.); sections of the Civil Rights Act of 1991 (PL 102–166 / 2 U.S.C. 1219); and Title II of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (PL 110–233 / 42 U.S.C. 2000ff et seq.).
The EEOC establishes the procedures for Federal employees and job applicants to file complaints of employment discrimination or retaliation. The agency charged with discrimination is responsible for informal counseling and, if a complaint is filed and accepted, for investigating the claims raised therein. At the conclusion of the investigation, a complainant may request a hearing before an EEOC administrative judge or that the agency issue a final decision on the matter. The agency's final decision or final action after a hearing may be appealed to the Commission. Office of Federal Operations provides oversight of and technical assistance for equal employment opportunity complaint adjudication and Governmentwide maintenance of affirmative employment programs. Using the guidance and principles contained in its Equal Employment Opportunity Management Directive 715, the Commission monitors and evaluates Federal agencies' affirmative employment programs under Title VII and section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act and ensures that all Federal employees compete on a playing field that is fair and level. EEOC carries out its statutory, regulatory, policy, and program enforcement responsibilities through its headquarters-based Office of General Counsel, Office of Field Programs, and 53 field offices. The field offices receive charges of discrimination from the public and use a variety of resolution methods, including voluntary mediation and full-scale investigation and conciliation. The field staff seeks to achieve a wide range of objectives that center on the quality, timeliness, and appropriateness of individual, class, and systemic charges; secures relief for victims of discrimination in accordance with EEOC policies; counsels individuals about their rights under the laws that the EEOC enforces; and conducts outreach and technical assistance programs. The EEOC's Office of General Counsel litigates in U.S. District Courts and Courts of Appeal. Commission promotes voluntary compliance with equal employment opportunity statutes through a variety of educational and technical assistance activities. Its outreach and education programs provide general information on the EEOC, its mission, rights and responsibilities under the statutes that are enforced by the Commission, and the charge (i.e., complaint) process. EEOC representatives are available, on a limited basis and at no cost, to make presentations and to participate in meetings, conferences, and seminars with employee and employer groups, professional associations, students, nonprofit entities, community organizations, and other members of the general public. a fee, the EEOC offers in-depth training that it has tailored for employers. The EEOC Training Institute makes additional training available to private employers, to local and State government personnel, and to employees of the Federal Government. Managers and employees receive training on the laws that the Commission enforces and on ways to prevent and reduce discrimination in the workplace. | Email: eeoc.traininginstitute@eeoc.govThe Commission publishes data on the employment status of minorities and women by conducting four employment surveys that cover private employers (EEO–1), labor unions (EEO–3), State and local governments (EEO–4), and public elementary and secondary schools (EEO–5). The collected data are shared with certain Federal agencies; prepared in aggregated format for major geographic areas and, where possible, also by industry groups (EEO–1), by major trades (EEO–3), or by government types and functions (EEO–4); and after aggregation, released into the public domain for independent analysis and research. "Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States" indicates that EEOC records have been assigned to record group 403. "Doing Business With the EEOC" web page has information for contractors and vendors. Commission hires in various job categories: attorneys, information intake representatives, investigators, mediators, office automation assistants, paralegals, program analysts, and social scientists. EEOC employment opportunities are posted on USAJobs—the Federal Government's official source for job listings and employment opportunity information. For more information, contact the Office of Human Resources. Phone, 202-663-4306. Internships offer high school, college, and graduate and law students the opportunity to gain experience working on projects or cases involving issues of Federal antidiscrimination law. Interns work closely with experienced attorneys and specialists on assignments. Work assignments include legal research and writing, research and analysis of public policy developments, correspondence with Commission stakeholders, and assistance with charge intake and investigations. 2019, the EEOC ranked 12th among 25 midsize Government agencies in the Partnership for Public Service's Best Places To Work Agency Rankings. "Contact EEOC" web page has email addresses, phone numbers, and links to relevant EEOC resources. producers, reporters, writers for news publication and broadcasts, and other people working on news programs or stories may contact the Office of Communications, using the phone number or email address that is provided here. Phone, 202-663-4191. TTY, 202-663-4494. | Email: newsroom@eeoc.govThe EEOC operates 15 district offices. An office list and jurisdictional map are available online. A search tool allows EEOC website visitors to locate field offices by using Zip Codes. documents and documents that the EEOC recently published in the Federal Register are accessible online. EEOC posts reports that deal with subjects affecting Federal employees. any person, the FOIA gives a statutory right for obtaining access to Government information that the records of executive branch agencies contain. When the requested information is shielded from disclosure by one or more of nine exemptions that are contained within the statute, this right to access is limited. The EEOC makes many records publicly available on its main website. Documents are also available in an electronic library collection, as well as in physical libraries that are located at EEOC headquarters and district offices. Before submitting a FOIA request, an information seeker should search one of the aforementioned locations to see if the desired information has been released already in the public domain and is accessible free of charge and without the delay of processing a formal request. EEOC maintains a collection of documents online in its electronic FOIA library. EEOC posts answers to FAQs. EEOC maintains a glossary whose content is relevant to small-business owners and employees. EEOC supports the Open Government initiative by implementing principles of collaboration, participation, and transparency. employer is required to post a notice describing the Federal laws that prohibit job discrimination based on age, color, disability, equal pay, genetic information, national origin, race, religion, or sex. The "Equal Employment Opportunity is THE LAW" poster contains a summary of these laws and explains how an employee or applicant can file a discrimination complaint. The EEOC's poster is available in Arabic, Chinese, English, and Spanish. EEOC posts press releases. EEOC's most popular publications may be downloaded in Portable Document Format (PDF) for easy reproduction. Publications that are unavailable online may be obtained by phone or fax. Phone, 800-669-3362. TTY, 800-800-3302. Fax, 513-489-8692. the EEOC Library, 131 M Street NE., Washington, DC 20507. Phone, 202-663-4630.
The EEOC collects workforce data from employers with more than 100 employees. Employers who meet the reporting thresholds are required to provide the information. The data are used for enforcement, research, and self-assessment by employers. Data remain confidential; however, the public can access them in aggregate form. material on specific discrimination topics that pertain to small businesses is available on the "EEOC Resources" web page. Small Business Resource Center provides answers to common questions regarding responsibilities that Federal employment discrimination laws require business owners to meet. It also has tips for preventing discrimination and dealing with issues when they do arise within a business context. EEOC has a Facebook page. EEOC tweets announcements and other newsworthy items, using Twitter. EEOC posts videos on its YouTube channel. agency representative may be available to present an overview of the laws that the EEOC enforces and EEOC charge (i.e., complaint) processing procedures—including mediation—at a conference or seminar. Contact an outreach program coordinator for more information. Phone, 800-669-4000. EEOC posts data, reports, and statistics online. Sources of Information were updated 12–2020.