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The United States Government Manual
500 E Street SW., Washington, DC 20436
CHAIR | David S. Johanson |
VICE CHAIR | (vacancy) |
Meredith M. Broadbent | |
Jason E. Kearns | |
Rhonda K. Schmidtlein | |
Irving A. Williamson | |
GENERAL COUNSEL | Dominic L. Bianchi |
Administrative Services Offices
Human Resources | Eric Mozie |
Security and Support Services | Robert N. Riess |
Secretary to the Commission | Lisa R. Barton |
Financial Offices
Budget | Chris Swetz |
Finance | Derek Henderson |
Procurement | Debra Bridge |
Independent Offices
Equal Employment Opportunity | Altivia R. Jackson |
External Relations | Jennifer Andberg |
Operating Offices
DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS | Catherine B. DeFilippo |
Chief Data Officer | Jeremy Wise |
Analysis and Research Services | Jeremy Wise |
Economics | William M. Powers |
Industries | Jonathan R. Coleman |
Investigations | Nannette M. Christ |
Tariff Affairs and Trade Agreements | James R. Holbein |
Unfair Import Investigations | Margaret D. Macdonald |
Office of Inspector General
Inspector General | Philip M. Heneghan |
The above list of key personnel was updated 7–2019.
The United States International Trade Commission provides the President, the U.S. Trade Representative, and the Congress with independent analysis of and information on tariffs, international trade, and the Nation's competitiveness; makes determinations in proceedings involving imports that may harm a domestic industry or violate U.S. intellectual property rights; and maintains the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States.
The United States International Trade Commission (USITC) is an independent agency created by the Revenue Act (39 Stat. 795) and originally named the United States Tariff Commission. The name was changed to the United States International Trade Commission by section 171 of the Trade Act of 1974 (19 U.S.C. 2231). the advice and consent of the Senate, the President appoints six commissioners for 9-year terms, unless the appointment is made to fill an unexpired term. The Chair and Vice Chair are designated by the President for 2-year terms, and succeeding Chairs may not be of the same political party. The Chair generally is responsible for the administration of the Commission. Not more than three Commissioners may be members of the same political party (19 U.S.C. 1330). USITC posts its organizational chart (2017) online. USITC engages in various activities pursuant to the previously mentioned statutes. Under the Tariff Act of 1930, it has broad powers of investigation to scrutinize the following competitive factors: U.S. customs laws and those of foreign countries; the proportional relationship between the volume of imported articles and domestic production and domestic consumption; the conditions, causes, and effects of foreign industries competing with U.S. industries; and any other factor affecting competition between imported articles and U.S. articles. Upon request, the USITC is required to convey its available information to the President, the House Committee on Ways and Means, and the Senate Committee on Finance. The President, the Congress, or the two committees mentioned can direct the USITC to undertake investigations and studies. To carry out its research and conduct its specialized studies, the USITC maintains expertise in all matters relating to the commercial and international trade policies of the United States. USITC conducts preliminary-phase investigations to determine whether imports of foreign merchandise that are alleged to be subsidized or sold at less than fair value injure or threaten to injure an industry in the United States. If its determination is affirmative and the Secretary of Commerce concludes that unfair practices are occurring or suspects that they may be occurring, then the USITC conducts final-phase investigations to determine the injury or threat of injury to an industry. the Uruguay Round Agreements Act, the USITC also conducts sunset reviews. In these reviews, the it evaluates whether material injury to a U.S. industry would continue or recur if the antidumping duty or countervailing duty order under review were revoked. Injury reviews must be conducted on all antidumping duty and countervailing duty orders every 5 years for as long as the orders remain in effect. respect to articles that may be considered for preferential removal of the duty on imports from designated developing countries, the USITC advises the President of the economic consequences that removal may have on the domestic industry and on consumers. U.S. Congress enacted the "Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States" (HTS). The HTS became effective on January 1, 1989, replacing the Nation's former tariff schedules. The USITC publishes the HTS, which contains the U.S. tariff schedules and related matters. The agency also considers questions affecting the arrangement of tariff schedules and the classification of articles. USITC conducts global safeguard investigations upon petition, on behalf of an industry, a firm, a group of workers, or other entity representative of an industry, to determine whether an article is being imported in increased quantities that injure, or threaten to injure, the domestic industry producing a similar article or an article that competes with the imported one. If its determination is affirmative, the USITC recommends to the President action that would address the threat and be most effective in facilitating positive adjustment by the industry to import competition. The President determines if import relief is an appropriate response. The USITC also reports on developments within an industry that has been granted import relief. It advises the President of the probable economic effect of reducing or eliminating the tariff increase that was previously granted. The President may continue, modify, or terminate the import relief. to section 302 of the NAFTA Implementation Act, the USITC conducts bilateral safeguard investigations. investigations seek to determine whether, as a result of the reduction or elimination of a duty that the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) facilitates, a Canadian or Mexican export to the United States in increased quantities and under certain conditions may damage, or threaten to damage, a U.S. industry that produces a similar article competing with the Canadian or Mexican export. If the USITC makes an affirmative determination, it advises the President on the relief needed to prevent or to remedy serious harm. USITC investigations of this kind resemble procedurally investigations that are conducted under the global safeguard-action provisions of the Trade Act of 1974. USITC conducts investigations, at the direction of the President, to determine whether products are being imported into the United States under conditions and in quantities that render, or tend to render, ineffective or that materially interfere with a Department of Agriculture program. The USITC communicates its findings to the President and makes recommendations. The President then may impose a fee or quota on the imports in question; however, no fee or quota may be imposed on any article that a member of the World Trade Organization produces. USITC conducts investigations to determine whether increased imports of an article produced in a Communist country are causing market disruption in the United States. If the USITC'S determination is in the affirmative, the President may take the same action as in the case of serious injury to an industry, except that the action would apply only to imports of the article from the Communist country. Commission investigations conducted under this provision are similar procedurally to those conducted under the global safeguard action provisions. duties and other trade barriers are being considered for modification as part of a proposed trade agreement with a foreign county, the USITC advises the President of the potential economic consequences on U.S. industries and on consumers. USITC applies U.S. statutory and common law of unfair competition to the importation of products into the United States and their sale. If it determines that there is a violation of law, it will direct that the articles involved be excluded from entry into the United States, or it may issue cease-and-desist orders directing the person engaged in such violation to stop. USITC cooperates with the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of Commerce to establish an enumeration of articles imported into and exported from the United States for statistical purposes. It also seeks to establish comparability of these statistics with statistical programs for domestic production. USITC contract opportunities are reserved for small businesses. They are typically for experienced contractors in the areas of administrative services, facilities management, information technology, and management consulting. The Office of Procurement oversees all procurements. Phone, 202-205-2252. USITC relies on accountants, analysts and specialists, attorneys, economists, and other professionals to carry out its mission. For more information, contact the Director, Office of Human Resources. Phone, 202-205-2651. | Email: hr@usitc.govThe USITC ranked 2d among 29 small agencies in the Partnership for Public Service's 2018 Best Places To Work Agency Rankings. USITC website has an electronic form for submitting a comment or question. "Related External Links" web page has a collection of external links to make locating additional information more convenient. in 1966, the FOIA took effect on July 4, 1967. The statute makes all existing Federal Government records available to the public; however, a record may be shielded from disclosure by one or more of nine exemptions or by specific harm that its disclosure may cause. Any person, except a fugitive from the law, has a right to request access to Federal agency records. The FOIA strengthens democratic governance by giving access to Government records to anyone who submits a proper FOIA request. USITC posts answers to frequently asked FOIA-related questions. USITC maintains an online glossary. "USITC Acronyms" web page enables the nonspecialist to navigate in an acronym-rich environment. "Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States," which includes general notes and rules of interpretation, is available online in Portable Document Format (PDF). The HTS is used to classify imported merchandise for rate of duty and statistical purposes. USITC has developed a timeline of U.S. tariffs and trade and posted it online. USITC celebrated its 100th birthday in September of 2016. To mark that milestone, it published a 453-page history of the agency called "A Centennial History of the United States International Trade Commission" (2017). The entire history is available online in Portable Document Format (PDF). the "How Do I Find" web page, which has a collection of links to help online visitors use the USITC website. list of active antidumping and countervailing duty investigations is available online. is an information retrieval system containing data on USITC Section 337 investigations. | Email: 337InfoHelp@usitc.govThe Electronic Document Information System (EDIS) contains all documents that have been filed in relation to USITC investigations. EDIS provides the capabilities to file documents for an investigation and to search for documents that have been submitted to the USITC. | Email: EDIS3Help@usitc.govEuropean Union climate regulations, which treat wood pellets as a low-carbon energy source, play a principal role in supporting the wood pellet industry's growth. To learn more, see Robert Ireland's 2018 executive briefing, in which he expresses his views on international trade in this energy source. their 2018 working paper "Exporting Ecolabels: Is Demand for Certified Sustainable Products Affecting International Trade?" coauthors Renee Berry and Marin Weaver explore the influence of sustainability certifications on trade patterns in food and agricultural products. USITC working papers express the views of their authors and may not represent the views of the U.S. International Trade Commission or its individual Commissioners. USITC posts news releases on its website. USITC helps increase the Federal Government's efficiency and transparency by making its operational information more accessible and useful. rooms are open to the public in the Office of the Secretary and the USITC Main Library. The USITC Law Library is publicly accessible by prior arrangement. Call 202-205-3287 to schedule a visit.
The "Popular Topics" web page has links to frequently visited USITC pages. Popular topics include calendar events, commissioner biographies, "Federal Register" notices, hearing protocols, jobs, and news releases. Commission publishes results of investigations on various commodities and subjects. Other publications include an annual report to the Congress on the operation of the trade agreements program and an annual review of Commission activities. Specific information on these publications may be obtained from the Office of the Secretary. USITC site map allows visitors to look for specific topics or to browse content that aligns with their interests. research division of the Office of Economics posts the International Trade Seminar Series on the USITC website. Sources of Information were updated 7–2019.